Impact assessments & evaluations

published: 17-10-2018

Panteia has an extensive record in the European Union and the Netherlands in carrying out evaluations, impact assessments and policy research aimed at collecting and analysing information in order to provide relevant support to policy-makers.


Within the Evaluation and Impact Assessment Unit, experts with thorough knowledge of methodologies of evaluations and impact assessments cooperate to provide our clients with highest quality services. These experts are familiar with the most recent techniques and developments, eg. the Better Regulation Guidelines of the European Commission . Our experts can moreover build on the thematic expertise within the various departments of Panteia. This combination of strong methodological skills with thematic knowledge available within Panteia, is our key to success. We have supported, and continue to support, a broad range of clients both nationally and internationally, notably the European Commission.

Panteia has state of the art methodological expertise regarding evaluations and impact assessments. We have particular experience with measuring administrative burden of legislation, and for instance developed MISTRAL®, the fore-runner of the current Standard Cost Model, in use by the European Commission. In addition, Panteia is specifically qualified in quantitative research such as modelling, forecasting, database analysis, cost/benefit analysis, international surveys, simulation and scenario building and knowledge of advanced statistical analysis methods. Panteia actively participates in the methodological debate on evaluation approaches on formulating methodologies on measuring effects in a complex economic and social reality, with the aim of sharing experiences and further sharpening our evaluation tools. In addition, Panteia employees regularly give lectures and trainings and advise clients on the methodology of setting up their own evaluations.



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