published: 25-10-2019
Challenges, good practices and recommendations for small retailers in city-centres, including small centres in rural areas
Retail sector is one of the biggest in Europe in terms of the number of enterprises active and individuals employed.
The study provides practical insight on revitalising small retail in urban, as well as rural areas in the European Union and is carried out by Panteia on behalf of the European Economic and Social Committee (EESC).
The study presents an overview of the major trends, challenges, and opportunities of these enterprises given their specific features - less time, financial means and specialised human capital – and how they cope with.
Next good practices implemented in different Member States to address these challenges and support small retailers, are identified and described.
Finally, the study contains a series of recommendations on what could be done to help the retail sector, along with an outline of an EU database or platform on small retailers that could be created in order to provide policy makers with an insight into the main trends in the retail sector and their impact on small retailers.
The study is useful, not only for small retailers, and EESC, but to any reader who would like to learn more about the sector together with its challenges and opportunities.
You can find the study here.