Renewal contract European expert network culture and audiovisual (EENCA)

published: 17-10-2018

Panteia manages together with iSMIT, part of VU Brussels, the expert network on culture and audiovisual. This is to the satisfaction of the client, DG EAC of the European Commission, as the contract has recently been renewed to run another two years.

Over the past two years, experts from the network have carried out a large number of DG EAC assignments. The network has grown from just over 20 to now 36 experts in very different fields within the broad policy area of ​​culture. Assignments related, for example, to architecture, the music sector, cultural heritage, sustainable tourism and the role of culture in the integration of refugees. Some of the assignments were (partly) carried out by Panteia employees. The first two years ended with the drafting of an implementation plan for the Preparatory Action on Music, a temporary fund provided for by the European Parliament to support the music sector in Europe.

In the next two years, new assignments will be executed, the expert network will continue to grow, and further work will be done on the development of the website ( We are already working on the first assignment: contributing to an impact assessment for the 'culture' strand in the funds that the European Commission will manage in the next multi-annual programming period (MFF, from 2020 onwards). In the current MFF (2014-2020) this is part of the 'Cultural Europe' fund.

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