Panteia support CEF safe and secure parking

published: 28-11-2019

In cooperation with IRU, Panteia, together with its partner Concilius as well as IRU’s associate member ESPORG, offers support for organisations/companies wishing to apply for a CEF grant supporting investments in safe and secure parking areas.

However, given the relatively short time to develop the CEF grant application (deadline 26 February 2020), potential applicants should already have concrete plans to construct and operate a safe and secure parking area. In particular, Panteia wants to stress the following conditions that need to be met for a successful application:

  • The national government of the country in which the project is situated has to validate the application by signing a document that proves the project fits in the overall national plan for more safe and secure parking on or near the core TENT network in the country. Therefore, the parking facilities have to be part of a bigger plan to make a larger part of the core network in the country more safe to park.
  • Ideally, the parking facilities should be located on the core TENT network, but some distance away from the core network is possible, provided that the potential users of the parking facilities do so as users of the core EU network.
  • The applicant should demonstrate that it is capable of executing the project (sufficient financial resources, operational capacity).
  • The applicant should be able to demonstrate the project is highly likely to be implemented (with the CEF grant) by showing for example land is available, building permits are in place (or evidence that building permits can/will be acquired in time), financial resources are available, there is commitment that these financial resources will be available for the investment, and preliminary estimates of investment and operating costs are already available.

Overview of Panteia support services

On the basis of its experience with recent successful applications, Panteia and Concilius can support applications with the following:

  • Support with the description of the project, and putting the project in the bigger picture regarding safe and secure parking related to the TENT corridor(s).
  • Support with the demand analysis that needs to demonstrate there is enough demand from users and their willingness to pay for the facilities.
  • Support with the Cost Benefit Analysis on the basis of proven demand, cost estimates of the initial investment and operating and maintenance costs, analysis of eligible and noneligible costs, calculation of external benefits in terms of avoided transport costs (users save of time and other operating costs associated with searching for safe and secure parking space), avoided emissions and accidents costs.
  • Finalisation of the application in cooperation with the applicant.

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