Panteia Mobility participates Sustainable Urban Mobility Planning in Polycentric regions
published: 17-10-2018
The European Commission aims for sustainable urban transport. It tries to do this through various policy actions. One of these is the promotion of integrated policies at local levels.
The Commission supports local authorities in developing sustainable urban mobility plans covering freight and passenger transport in urban and peri-urban areas. The IEE (Intelligent Energy Europe) programme from the Commission supports innovative projects that contribute to the uptake of these SUMP’s. Panteia now participates in a project that received funding from this programme: Poly-SUMP. The Poly SUMP project brings together 6 different regions and supports these regions with the introduction of sustainable urban transport planning. Panteia is WP2 leader (establishing the institutional and mobility setting within regions) and supports the region of Parkstad Limburg (NL) with the implementation of a SUMP.