published: 02-05-2019
On May 23rd Europe will be voting on a new European Parliament. But what does this actually mean to us as citizens? Well, as in many EU countries, the EU has two law making levels. Basically, the Commission proposes and drafts laws, and the European Parliament and Council of Europe vote on them.
The European Parliament is made up of national politicians, who are then grouped according to EU party lines to vote on EU proposals. They, together with the Council of Europe, represent the national interests of the Member States.
Panteia, a Dutch research bureau, has a strong track record on conducting research for the European Commission and European Parliament. In honour of the upcoming Parliamentary elections, we would like to give a taste of what kind of projects we have conducted in the past:
2019, European Parliament
The European Parliament frequently requests studies on EU policy and on the status quo in Member States. One such study was on tackling early school leaving in the EU. As early school leaving (ESL), has long term effects on a child or youth’s educational, employment, and health prospects, the EU strives to help Member States reduce this rate in their countries. Upon request of the European Parliament’s CULTURE committee, Panteia conducted an update study on how early school leaving has changed in the EU since 2011, what causes early school leaving, and what types of policy approaches help to reduce it in a country..
This study involved a literature review of EU and national policy and academic literature to establish the current rates of ESL in Europe, the causes of ESL, which policies work well to reduce ESL, and to explore how public investment helps reduce this rate in a country. Several brief national level case studies were developed, and several expert interviews were held at EU and national level. The main findings were as follows:
The infographic can be seen here in large format
For further information, the study can be found here: