Gender equality in the cultural and creative sectors in the EU: Where do we stand today?

published: 13-08-2019

What are the main gender gaps hampering equal participation of women artists and professionals in the cultural and creative sectors in the EU?

What are the international recommendations relating gender equality in the culture and creative sectors? What initiatives are there to ensure gender equality?


These questions have been explored in a study published by the European Commission that has been carried out by the European Expert Network on Audiovisual and Culture (managed by Panteia on behalf of DG EAC of the European Commission) with leading expert Marilena Vecco. The study will provide input for the OMC (Open Method of Coordination) Working Group on Gender Equality, which will be convened in September 2019 and will meet several times over the coming year.


The European Work Plan for Culture 2019-2022 selects gender equality as one of the five sectoral priorities for the EU action. The Work Plan recognizes that intersectional gender gaps persist in almost all cultural and creative sectors and they need to be acknowledged and tackled by specific policies and measures. In this context Member States will exchange information on national circumstances and good practice within the OMC group which will identify the main obstacles and suggest a set of concrete actions. The work of the OMC group could potentially lead to Council conclusions on the subject.


The study provides input by reviewing the current situation of female artists and professionals in the cultural and creative sectors, identifying the main gender gaps (such as gender Stereotypes, sexual harassment, access to resources and labour market and equal pay issues), and outlining the main drivers for these gender gaps in the cultural and creative sectors. The study also looks into sectoral initiatives that have been put in place to close the gender gaps in the cultural and creative sectors.


The study can be found here


For more information about the European Expert Network on Audiovisual and Culture, click here.

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