published: 17-10-2018
The first ‘Linked-by-Rail’ project focused on the improvement of rail transport between the Port of Rotterdam and Poznan in Western Poland. And with success: the result is an inviting train shuttle service with 6 departures per week. With the arrival of this train, over 300 fewer trucks travel by road every week. The current covenant is a follow-up to this success and focusses on the Silesia industrial area located in Southern Poland. This area offers great opportunities. Moreover, it makes a fast and direct train service possible, which is necessary to create a competitive transport of goods by rail with respect to road transport. Technical and trade barriers will need to be superseded, before the rail connection between the Netherlands and Poland can be realised. In addition, marketing and trade fair visits play a major role in the programme. Intermodal trainings will also be organised for Polish companies to gain insight in the benefits of rail transport.
Panteia is coordinating the ‘Linked-by-Rail 'programme and will also be involved in assisting the Dutch and Polish Ministries in removing bottlenecks during trainings and organisation of mutual missions. Further parties involved in the PIB Action Plan, in addition to Panteia, are: Boekesteijn Transport Service, Clip Logistics Sp, ERS Railways, Royal Dutch Transport Service (Koninklijk Nederlands Vervoer), Nijman/Zeetank, Nijhof Wassink, Port of Rotterdam, Seacon Logistics Group and Van den Bosch.