CVET in the Netherlands

published: 11-10-2018

Commissioned by the Czech Fund for Adult Education Panteia has prepared a report on CVET (Continuous Vocational Education and Training) in the Netherlands. Particular attention is paid to training for the unemployed.

The report includes relevant statistical information, a description of the Dutch system of employment and vocational training, a chapter on the way it is organized in the Netherlands training of adults as well as some good examples of activities in this area in the Netherlands. Specific attention also goes to the position of difficult groups on the labor market. The Czech client will use this report, along with similar reports on Denmark, Estonia, Austria and Slovenia to improve adult education in the country.

See report: D.H. Grijpstra, P.J.M. Vroonhof, F.D. Stoutjesdijk,  “CVET Co-operation project” Czech Republic: the Netherlands, december 2014.

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