published: 17-10-2018
The project’s coordinators, Prof. Andrés Monzón from TRANSyT-UPM and Dr. Odile Heddebaut from IFSTTAR opened the Conference at 09:15am. The Project Officer, Mr. Patrick Mercier-Handisyde, then gave a presentation with the focus on intermodality as part of the European Union urban mobility agenda. Following this, the Head of the Mobility of Barcelona Transport Authority, Mr. Lluis Alegre, spoke about the needs, experiences and desires of the end-users of urban interchanges.
At 11:30am, Prof. Andrés Monzón introduced and explained the process of investigating, evaluating and understanding the mobility needs for the development of the City-HUB model. The presentation of Prof. Eftihia Nathanail of CERTH followed and focused on the guidelines for successful interchanges, while Mr. Peter Christiansen from TOI closed the 1st session of the Conference, presenting ‘best practices’ for interchanges.
Prof. Joao Abreu of the Instituto Superior Técnico of Lisbon, opened the 2nd session of the Conference at 14:00pm and spoke about the economic and social impacts of urban interchanges. Thereafter, Mr. Derek Palmer from TRL, presented important changes and potential actions needed for successful interchanges, while Ms. Sara Hernandez from TRANSyT-UPM, introduced crucial findings from the users’ viewpoint. The coordinator of the European project NODES Ms. Caroline Hoogendoorn, from the International Association of Public Transport (UITP), closed the 2nd session with the introduction of NODES to the audience.
The round table discussion started at 16:30pm and was moderated by Dr. Imre Keseru from the Vrije Universiteit in Brussels, along with the Project Officer, the key-note speakers, the NODES coordinator, the project’s stakeholders and the City-HUB partners.
The Conference ended at around 18:00 and a farewell cocktail followed.
For further information about the project, please contact:
Project coordinator: