Industry Research

published: 14-07-2020

Panteia has developed a broad range of services that can be used specifically for industry organisations, umbrella organisations and professional organisations:

  • Conjuncture surveys
    Provides quick insight into how your members are doing.
  • Trade monitor
    What is happening in the market? Monthly, quarterly and yearly trade volumes in your sector.
  • Financial benchmark
    An in-depth analysis of your members' business performance. 
  • Structure research, trends research and visions for the future
    Where does your branch or industry stand? What are the current developments?
  • Labour market research
    What are the bottlenecks for the short and long term?
  • Representativity survey and survey of Collective Labour Agreement usage
    What part of Dutch businesses do you represent? 
  • Impact studie
    What are the effects of policy measures for your industry? 
  • Cost development studies
    What are the average costs in your industry and how are costs developing? 
  • Member surveys
    What will your members need in the future? 


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Would you like to know more? 

Call us on: 079-322 20 00