Innovation and technology

Entrepreneurs in our globalised economy are under pressure to shift production to lower-cost regions and to switch their focus towards more knowledge-based activities.

Competition has become a worldwide phenomenon, even for SME's. The internationalisation of competition and the proliferation of explicit knowledge via ICT innovations, make conscious top-quality knowledge management an increasingly critical factor in the competitive performance of both larger and smaller enterprises. The competitiveness of the European economy is therefore, heavily dependent on innovation. Smaller enterprises play an import role in realising technological innovations and in shaping a nation's overall innovativeness and competitiveness.

The importance of developing research and innovation is also acknowledged in the Europe 2002 Strategy through the priority of smart growth. Europe's development as an economy should be [INVALID]d on knowledge and innovation.

Panteia has carried out numerous studies and evaluations in the field of technology and innovation on behalf of national and international clients. These studies have been used in all stages of the policy cycle and range from prospective strategic studies to the application of concrete technologies in specific industries.

Should you require any further information, please contact us. We will be happy to help you.

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